FRESH DESI EGGS: ORGANIC & FREE-RANGE Pasture Raised & Brought up on Homemade Feed
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FRESH DESI CHICKEN MEAT : ORGANIC & FREE-RANGE Rooster ( Murgha Meat) Available in All Cut Pieces & Skin Shop Now Home Delivery in Islamabad & Rawalpindi
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FRESH DESI EGGS: ORGANIC & FREE-RANGE Pasture Raised & Brought up on Homemade Feed
Shop Now Home Delivery in Islamabad & Rawalpindi
FRESH DESI CHICKEN MEAT: ORGANIC & FREE-RANGE Pasture Raised & Brought up on Homemade Feed
Shop Now Home Delivery in Islamabad & Rawalpindi
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Our Products

What makes our desi eggs taste so great?

Our desi eggs are organically fed, pasture-raised, and biosecure, ensuring rich yolks, no odor, and farm-fresh flavor daily.

Organic Homemade Feed

Vibrant and Rich Yolks and Egg Whites

Strict Bio-Security

Always Fresh

Hear what our happy customers have to say

Based on 12 reviews
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M. Abdullah Hameed
14:48 28 Jan 25
Zabardast eggs. High quality desi anday. A crime not to order.
mahum fakhar
14:32 28 Jan 25
I’m a big fan of the eggs especially as an acne prone person, I eat them without worrying about breakouts. I enjoy eating them unlike the other eggs which break me out instantly.They also taste super creamy and delicious
Tamsila Fakhar
14:30 28 Jan 25
Eva Anna Farms organic eggs have become a household staple in our family not just my house. My mother is so picky about her diet & she loved the eggs and chicken too.Highly Recommended!
Nazar Abbas
16:50 25 Jan 25
Great experience & very high quality product
Zunerah Nazar
16:45 25 Jan 25
Very hygienic and fresh eggs and chicken, love your products want to order more.
Ousman K
09:48 20 Jan 25
I’ve been purchasing eggs from Eva-Anna for years, and nowhere else have I experienced such consistent, impeccable service. Mr. Nauman is not only accommodating but also a pleasure to deal with. The verified organic free-range eggs are of high quality, and we’ve never gone back to store-bought since discovering them. Of particular note is their commitment to the environment, especially their use of eco-friendly packaging. They tick so many boxes for us and we're very happy with their services.
Sehrish Ahsan
14:54 19 Jan 25
Eva Anna farms is my choice of purchasing organic eggs. I’m a satisfied costumer with their unmatchable taste and delivery efficiency.Highly recommended
Sara Akhtar
11:40 19 Jan 25
Hello, Yesterday I tried Eva Anna Farm’s new desi eggs, they were really good, tastes a thousand times better than the regular eggs, do try their eggs and chicken and you will notice the difference your self.Sara

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